DC power supplies are quite important for our devices that require high and stable power to operate. Usually, it comes in two different types which are well-known as linear power supply and switching power supply. There are hundreds of manufactures like www.gvepower.com who have been producing high quality power supplies.
The traditional linear power supply is said to be typically durable and have low noise while going across different frequencies that is why it is more usable and suitable for the lower power application and electronic devices where weight doesn’t causes a problem. As compared to this, switching power supply is much lighter with a higher rate of efficiency which are really great for the applications that require higher power intensities.
Linear Power Supply Vs Switching Power Supply!
These two types of power supplies are swappable for various applications as per the requirement because they cost around the same to get manufactured. Despite of the fact that linear power supplies are more durable, the switching power supplies are used broadly nowadays in most of our applications.

You might have come through different blogs, articles and even online sellers who claim that switching power supplies are not suitable and reliable. We would like to confirm you that this is just a false allegation over its efficiency and against the popularity.
Keep reading this blog to learn more about the core difference between both the power supplies.
Pros, Cons & Applications Of A Linear Power Supply
Linear power supplies were the mainstay of power conversion devices until late 1970’s but the emergence of switching power supplies the popularity of linear DC power supplies have drowned drastically but it is still used in some applications that requires lower power inductions like:-
- Studio mixer or amplifiers
- Low noise amplifiers
- Signal processing unites
- Data acquisition sensors
- Automatic test equipment
- Laboratory test equipment
- Controlled circuits
- Any device where low ripple is required
Pros, Cons & Applications Of Switching Power Supply
As said above, it was the era of late 1970’s when the switching power supplies were introduced and now i.e. today in 21st century they have become the most popular and worthy form of DC power supplies in the market due to its performance and cost efficiency, reliability and obviously the durability.

Switching DC power supply which is also known as the switch mode power supply is built with a very high power efficiency that can survive excellent amount of power loads. Following are the typical application for which switching power supply are being used:-
- Manufacturing and testing
- High power & applications that requires higher DC input
- Communications systems and equipment that is operated under a network
- Ionization processes etc.
- Recharging and equalization process for Lithium Ion batteries
- Waste treatment and electrolysis
- Aviation machinery, rotaries and applications that are used in marine
Hence, after reading the whole write-up you might have understand the difference between linear power supplies and the switching power supplies which are also known as switch mode power supply.
This proves that linear DC power supplies could work out well for the equipment that requires less power input whereas the switching DC power supplies are consumable for those applications which requires higher rate in current input.